Grupo Baco


Baco offers you this form to contact the customer service department.

If you are interested in distributing our brands, visiting our facilities or making a suggestion or complaint, please fill in all the details and we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.

You can also contact us through these means:

Avda. de los vinos, s/n – Poligono industrial Alces
13600 Alcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real), Castilla-La Mancha
Tel: 926 547 404 – Fax: 926 547 702 –

“Upon utilizing this form to contact GRUPO BACO, I am informed and I accept the terms of use and I give my consent to this company to use my personal information in an automated file so they can maintain communication with me by different means, so as to establish a professional relationship that could exist between the two parties in the future. I am informed that I can revoke this consent at any time according to Law LOPD in an easy, free fashion, using any of the addresses included here and attaching fotocopy of the I.D.”


    Sede central: Avda. de los vinos, s/n – Polígono industrial Alces
    13600 Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real), Castilla-La Mancha

    Planta de embotellado: Pol. Industrial Alces; C/ Mencía s/n; 13600 – Alcázar de San Juan


    (+34) 926 547 404

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